Friday, February 28, 2014

GROUP 18 - What are you drinking?

Day 1:
Today was pretty easy, Got most of the pages in our packet that have to be done. Now we just need the rough draft to complete. My partner and I have been looking up studies to do our rough draft on and we've found 4 so far but nothing really interesting that pops out. We're just going to keep looking and hopefully find what we're looking for. We are pretty content where we are as far as meeting deadlines goes and hope we stay on track for the rest of the time.

Day 2:
We're trying hard to stay on task in class but it's somewhat hard to with all the distractions. We're feeling a little more stressed out this time around. We've both found the studies we want to include in our rough draft but are a little confused.

Day 3:
THIS ROUGH DRAFT IS A PAIN... (we try watching vine videos to keep from going crazy [Mr.V please don't judge us]). So far we did most of the rough draft and now we have to focus on when we're going to get the supplies. It feels like it's piling up, but we got this!

Day 6:

We've been forgetting to stay updated, but so far all the packet is done. We're getting the supplies tonight and the poster board. We'll make sure to post some pictures of our adventure in Walmart. We tried to take a selfie on the Chrome book at school, but to no avail.. But we'll post some tonight! #stay

#whatspsychfair? #workinghard

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