Monday, March 3, 2014

Group 8 - Apples to Onions

pu3/3- Finished student handout 12 and 15
3/4- What is good my fellow psych lovers?! Today we were very determined and worked very very hard on handouts 11 and 13! can't wait to work again tomorrow!
3/5- Greetings my psych homies! We have completed all the worksheets that are due tomorrow! Our experiment is looking great and is coming together perfectly. We will definitely be fooling the participants with out odor perception experient! Can't wait for you all to jump on board the psych train during psych fair!
3/6 "Ogres are like onions" (Shrek) Today we have changed our experiment to make it a little more exciting for not only us but for the participants! We are ahead of the game and have finished both handouts 16 + 17 and are getting started on 18,19,+ 20! An apple🍎 a day keeps the doctor away (just a little hint)

3/10 We have finished handouts 18,19,&20! We have also discussed who is going to the store and buying our supplies! Tomorrow we will be working on  our poster board!

3/11 Today we didn't have much to do! we thought of things to put up on the poster board but that was it! 

3/12 All we did today was plan out how the poster board is going to be!  Such a productive day 

3/20 it's psych fair day!

some subjects action shots
most of the results are saying the apple taste more like onion rather than tasting like Apple
our apples are slowly turning more brown but our experiment is still working as planned

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